Although most MIDI controllers and many workstations have the ability to split their keyboards, when you’re using Gig Performer, the best practice is to use multiple MIDI In blocks as described in this blog article and to just leave your physical controller on a single MIDI channel (typically channel 1). There are many reasons to do this, not least of which is because you can easily have multiple splits as needed without having to adjust your physical controller. This is also particularly beneficial if you have to use a different controller, due to either a failure or because you’re on tour or at a festival where you have to use somebody else’s system.

One question that arises is how to use your sustain pedal, which is typically plugged into one of your controllers, to control only specific splits. Well, it turns out that if you follow the advice above, this becomes really trivial.

Let’s suppose you want a split where the left half of your keyboard plays strings and the right half plays acoustic piano and you want your sustain pedal to only affect the acoustic piano.

Here's the solution: